
Professor of 历史, Chair of 俄罗斯,东欧和欧亚研究

我是一位研究现代俄罗斯的历史学家, and my research focuses on the intersection between religious belief and everyday life in the experience of ordinary people during the 19th and 20th centuries, 包括所谓的“无神者” 
前苏联时期. I am interested in the diverse and evolving ways that individuals understood the role of God and faith in their lives, selves and communities – both what they valued as sacred, and how their beliefs gave them a framework for acting, 理解变化, 构建社会. These questions are relevant to Russia’s past as well as its present, as Russians today debate the role that the Orthodox Church should play in modern society and politics, and the relationship between Orthodoxy and “Russianness.”

我最近的一本书, 神圣的清醒在现代俄罗斯: A Faith Healer and His Followers (伊利诺斯州北部 大学出版社,神圣的清醒在现代俄罗斯 一个我print of Cornell UP, 2023) tells the story of a charismatic preacher and healer, "乔安兄弟"丘里科夫, and the thousands of Russians who found salvation through his teachings and prayers. 集体写作 传记, it follows Churikov’s grass-roots faith community through the 20th century and explores the alternative culture his followers created as an antidote to modern Russian and Soviet society. Their story is one of resilient faith and on-going persecution, both complicating and enhancing how we understand Russia’s Orthodox and socialist pasts.                                                                                                                            

In addition to lectures and seminars on Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union, I teach lectures courses on European women’s history and the First World War. I also offer intermediate seminars on Germany under Nazism and the Holocaust, and an advanced research seminar on totalitarian practices under Hitler and Stalin. 

2019年和2022年, I served as the co-director - with art historian Natasha Goldman - for two NEH summer seminars for K-12 educators, “通过视觉文化教授大屠杀,,在皇冠体育举行. For more information on the seminar and strategies for using visual materials to teach the Holocaust, 看到的: http://courses.zsdzi1.com/teaching-the-holocaust-through-visual-culture/



  • 加州大学伯克利分校博士
  • 硕士,加州大学伯克利分校
  • 耶鲁大学文学学士