US Military Veterans

As an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming community, Bowdoin College recognizes the important perspective veterans and active military members can bring to its campus.

Bowdoin seeks students who are bright, engaged in life inside and outside the classroom, and who demonstrate a willingness to take intellectual risks; as a result, the College is a community of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. Bowdoin students thrive within such diversity, 我们欢迎我们的老学生为我们的校园增添观点和经验. 

As Marine Corps veteran and Bowdoin graduate Gil Barndollar says, “Since its founding, 皇冠体育敦促学生“为公共利益发挥自己的才能”.“我认为,那些已经为国效力的人,反之亦然, especially in uniform, will benefit most from the community of open inquiry, intellectual rigor, and constructive debate that Bowdoin provides.”

我们致力于在申请过程中为您提供支持, and as a student here, as you find your own voice, path, 以及成功的定义在你周围的世界——在你的校园内外的岁月里.

“In a small way, 这也是一种向皇冠体育毕业生的遗产致敬的伙伴关系,他们从1812年战争到今天一直在军队中服役和领导. We are proud and excited to participate.”



如果你对作为美国退伍军人申请皇冠体育有其他问题, such as whether to apply as a first-year or transfer student, please contact Senior Assistant Dean of Admissions, Evan Shoaf, at